Press Red Podcasting Network
2023 Our Apps & Products of the Year

2023 Our Apps & Products of the Year

Episode 8, 2023

Subtitle: What Apps & Products Do We Use?

It’s the Christmas season, you know what that means…. It’s time to spend money. In this episode, we talk about what product and apps we used this year to assist us, and some tools that we just enjoy. Sorry for the bad audio, Mac was ill.


0:0:00 Intro

0:10:27 Screenshots

0:31:47 Apps & Software

0:38:52 Products & Media

Show Notes

There are Links and subjects missing from the Links. This was due to the fact that they where not found when makeing the show notes


Hosts: Mac Blackman & Eli Turay

Podcast producer: Mac Blackman

Edited By: Jonas Dickson

Co-Edited: Mac Blackman

Published: Press Red

Press Red Podcasting Network
Welcome to Functions, the podcast where we explore the intersection of technology, organization, and media. Join hosts Mac and Eli as we delve into the latest tools and apps for productivity, discuss strategies for staying organized and efficient, and take a deep dive into the world of media and entertainment. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a media professional, or just someone looking to improve your productivity, Functions has something for you.